Selection Guide
Filters (Dryers and Desiccants)
If moisture is the main impurity you would like to remove from an inert gas, our DGF or RGF series of filters are ideally suited for your needs. In addition to removing moisture, these filters will also remove heavy hydrocarbons from your gas stream.
If you would like to remove just the moisture, while leaving the hydrocarbons in the gas stream, please contact our technical support.
The main desiccants used in our filters are molecular sieve 13X and indicating Drierite. If your application needs different desiccants, such as molecular sieves 3A, 4A, and 5A, or silica gel (indicating or non-indicating), please contact our technical support.
Purifiers (Oxygen Traps)
If trace quantities of oxygen is the main impurity you would like to remove from an inert gas, our DGP or RGP series of purifiers are ideal for this application. In addition to removing Oxygen, the purifiers also remove traces of moisture and heavy hydrocarbons from the gas stream.
If you would like to remove just the oxygen, while leaving the moisture and the hydrocarbons in the gas stream, please contact our technical support.
We also offer Indicating Oxygen Traps (IOT). With these, you are sure when your Oxygen trap is expended and needs replacement (or refilling). Simply install the IOT downstream of the OxiClear™ Purifier. When the color of the IOT turns from light green to grey, it is time to change both the purifier and the IOT.
Specialty Products
LabClear™ can supply you with a wide range of filter media, including: Silica Gel; 3A, 4A, and 5A Molecular sieves for any of our filter traps. Contact our Technical Support for special requests and custom orders.
Nominal Capacities Of All UnitsBased on 10 ppm oxygen inlet concentration and 1 ppm outlet concentration
Nominal Capacities Of All UnitsBased on 10 ppm oxygen inlet concentration and 1 ppm outlet concentration